Outline sketch of hares

New Guest Services & Visitor Information Hub

20th May 2024

Welcome to The Hub

Our new Guest Services and Visitor Information Hub, is dedicated to making your visit to Tapnell Farm as enjoyable and seamless as possible.

Whether you are a day visitor or a staying guest, our team is here to assist and ensure you have a wonderful experience.

Tapnell Farm The Hub

Operating Hours

The Hub is open on weekdays from 9am to 5pm and on weekends from 10am to 4pm. Whether you need information, assistance, or just a friendly chat, our team is always ready to help.

It also stocks a small range of merchandise and souvenirs.

For staying guests, one of the delightful reasons to visit us at The Hub is the availability of fresh eggs laid by our very own chickens. Guests can collect these complimentary fresh eggs during our opening hours. Please note that availability is not guaranteed, so be sure to check in early to enjoy this farm-to-table treat.