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Shaun the Sheep: Farmathlon Live!

All Weather Event Badge
May Half Term

Shaun the Sheep: Farmathlon Live!

Monday 26th to Friday 30th May

Shaun is back! Get ready to hop, skip, and jump into Shaun the Sheep: Farmathlon Live! at Tapnell Farm Park this May half term!

It's a sporting event meets farmyard frolics, where you'll throw everything you've got at 7 family activities; Farmathlon is Shaun’s take on the Heptathlon!

From the 20 Metre Sheep Hopper Race to the Cabbage Shot-Put and the Green Bean Javelin, there's non-stop fun for everyone!

How low can you go with the 100 Centimetre Herd-les? Can you master the Egg Hundred-Metres without cracking under pressure?

And don't miss out on the hilarious Sty Jump and the ultimate test of endurance, the Marrow-thon!

Shaun May Event Square
Outline sketch of hares

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